Quote Bully_Boxer="Bully_Boxer"Must say though.. I agree. I think the use of video ref's is starting to have a negative effect on the game. I certainly don't want to be stood waiting 5 mins for a decision at a non televised game and not even be able to make my own mind up on the legality of the try.
The full time ref's are getting video ref decisions wrong.. so how bad will it be with a non FT ref at the controls if they implement them at all matches?'"
Hard not to agree with any of that IMHO. I was talking about the self and same the other week with a mate / came up with the following instances.
I'm sure the following could be replicated to some degree by every other club in Super League. . . . but wouldn't that just serve to strengthen the point?
I've not posted these as a whinge (honest

) just as a possible reference to the fact that [i
maybe [/ithe Video ref isn't, at present/as currently being managed, all it's cracked up / supposed to be. . . .
Vs Leeds - Halley drops ball but kicks it forward before it hits the ground, then runs on, regathers and touches down. Perfectly good try as admitted by Scummins, "controller" of referees. Video ref disallows it.
Vs Hull Fc, Cup quarter final - perfectly good try (Again admitted by Scummins again . . . .) by T Newton . . . which would have won us the game - whether we deserved it or not. Disallowed by video ref.
Vs Hull KR, Evans try disallowed by VR for offside when everyone and his mum (if from Bradford?) could see Halley was at worst level.
Vs Wigan. Nero try disallowed for Knock on by Tadulala even though he had to reach up to his shoulder to touch it as he was already passing the ball, and when he did he touched the leading edge of the ball making it physically impossible for him to impart any forward motion and therefore knock the ball on. By the Video ref again.
Phil Clarke will argue that [i"these things even themselves out over the course of a year" [/i. . . . I used to think he talk a bit of sense. Perhaps as a Bulls fan I'm blinkered to the other "side of the coin" and I'm being unfair in thinking Clarkey talks out of his rectum

. . . but life is unfair at times