Quote Standidge="Standidge"Well, that is one DVD i will look forward to in the mail.
A strange Grand Final experience out here, we are 3.5 hours in front so after a long hard day I stayed up to try and get an internet connection and hopefully catch the game on Radio Leeds. A slow connection meant it cut out every 30 seconds then i missed the bit inbetween while it caught up.
At 22-4 down I was about as depressed as its possible to get out here, and with the poor interent connection i missed the comeback until i heard Bannister score and the commentator said its all square!!!!!
Then to hear the commentator say Black's drop goal had gone over was amazing.
Probably my most surreal of rugby match experiences, then went straight to a phone to ring my brother at the game, obviously he couldn't hear me but for me to hear all the Fax fans singing was a very emotional thing indeed. My son in tears on the phone nearly set me off.
So proud of the spirit shown by the team, a fitting ending to many careers.
One sour taste in the mouth is the news i read on here today about crowd trouble and the fax fan getting badly hurt.
Absolutely disgraceful, cowardly acts. What i wouldn't give to have the culprits sent out here to experience genuine pain and suffering on a daily basis!!!'"
Aye up Stan, Betty Grable pics on way to you

But yes with the Terry Newton news broke to me and Steve Davis whilst in a boozer in Wigan (Dont ask) and then the news about the fax fan fighting for his life, it was a day ill never forget, but a tarnished one sadly.
See ya soon buddy

kick your ass at golf.