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Quote Mugwump="Mugwump"Are you in the habit of "disproving" (ROFLMAO!) other people's conspiracies on COMPLETELY DIFFERENT websites? Must be a real pain for those folk constantly having to follow you about in search of debates any rational person might expect to take place in situ. Should we expect responses to RLFANS transplanted into www.starwarscollectors.com or italktotheporpoises.net - or maybe gardengnomepics.xxx?
Hey - you're the guy marching into threads, labelling people "lunatics", declaring to all and sundry the "stupidity" of ... erm ... words - not to mention debunking complex arguments using the novel technique of concentrating entirely on some infinitessimally small fragment (which I doubt anyone in this thread had ever heard of previously) and then announcing triumphantly that because said fragment doesn't tally with your own "expert" testimony it's now possible to write off the bulk of the over-arching argument. I would say this is like putting your hand under a giant tarpaulin, fishing out a single blade of grass and then claiming the hidden item simply must be a lawn. But in your case you're not even sure what's in your hand really is grass!
Saints fan predicts Saints victory on a Saints board.
You really never learn, do you?
I cant decide if you are just being awkward, or if you are that wrapped up in your own self importance that you don't read everything people say because you believe you are always right. The example I have given relates to the Boston Bombing which has been quoted on here, and I have used a like minded person as an example to show how easily claims of these so called hoax can be disproven. As I've stated the example I have quoted is just one of many. This one claims "Undisputable proof" and cites this as an example, I have just showed how easily "Undisputable proof" issued by fruitcakes can be discredited.
This is as opposed to yourself, that patronises, belittles and attempts to stamp down anyone who does not agree with any of your ideas. All in the main, without a scrap of concrete evidence and a healthy sprinkling of, "Leads me to believe" "Causes me to think" and is "Likely to".
Again you attempt to twist the truth, and again I will correct you. There were a number of Saints fans on the Saints page who stated we weren't good enough to make the final. You shouted each and every one down, saying we were wrong and that we would change our minds when we made another Grand Final. Even at one point berating us for having the temerity to question a team "That put their bodies on the line for us!" Well, I'm still waiting for us to make this Final. Looks like you were wrong.............. AGAIN!
I Never learn? I believe you should assess your own development before passing judgement. You're seen as at best deluded on here. A figure of fun on the Wigan board and not much better on the Saints one. I would suggest it's yourself that has never learnt.
Quote Mugwump="Mugwump"Are you in the habit of "disproving" (ROFLMAO!) other people's conspiracies on COMPLETELY DIFFERENT websites? Must be a real pain for those folk constantly having to follow you about in search of debates any rational person might expect to take place in situ. Should we expect responses to RLFANS transplanted into www.starwarscollectors.com or italktotheporpoises.net - or maybe gardengnomepics.xxx?
Hey - you're the guy marching into threads, labelling people "lunatics", declaring to all and sundry the "stupidity" of ... erm ... words - not to mention debunking complex arguments using the novel technique of concentrating entirely on some infinitessimally small fragment (which I doubt anyone in this thread had ever heard of previously) and then announcing triumphantly that because said fragment doesn't tally with your own "expert" testimony it's now possible to write off the bulk of the over-arching argument. I would say this is like putting your hand under a giant tarpaulin, fishing out a single blade of grass and then claiming the hidden item simply must be a lawn. But in your case you're not even sure what's in your hand really is grass!
Saints fan predicts Saints victory on a Saints board.
You really never learn, do you?
I cant decide if you are just being awkward, or if you are that wrapped up in your own self importance that you don't read everything people say because you believe you are always right. The example I have given relates to the Boston Bombing which has been quoted on here, and I have used a like minded person as an example to show how easily claims of these so called hoax can be disproven. As I've stated the example I have quoted is just one of many. This one claims "Undisputable proof" and cites this as an example, I have just showed how easily "Undisputable proof" issued by fruitcakes can be discredited.
This is as opposed to yourself, that patronises, belittles and attempts to stamp down anyone who does not agree with any of your ideas. All in the main, without a scrap of concrete evidence and a healthy sprinkling of, "Leads me to believe" "Causes me to think" and is "Likely to".
Again you attempt to twist the truth, and again I will correct you. There were a number of Saints fans on the Saints page who stated we weren't good enough to make the final. You shouted each and every one down, saying we were wrong and that we would change our minds when we made another Grand Final. Even at one point berating us for having the temerity to question a team "That put their bodies on the line for us!" Well, I'm still waiting for us to make this Final. Looks like you were wrong.............. AGAIN!
I Never learn? I believe you should assess your own development before passing judgement. You're seen as at best deluded on here. A figure of fun on the Wigan board and not much better on the Saints one. I would suggest it's yourself that has never learnt.
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| Quote FLAT STANLEY="FLAT STANLEY"Spare the bull he's a shoitehawk'" A charming way with words ... I tried.
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| I initially posted a lengthy response but in view of your statement that your are terminally ill I have thought better f it.
Quote FLAT STANLEY="FLAT STANLEY"I know it aint funny we had a discussion on the medical breakthrough thread he knew about my illness have a look here is his last comment on that thread regarding my trip to New York for treatment.
See he knew my terminal ailment. Go to the medical breakthrough thread. I wouldn't lie'"
You are being knowingly disingenous and frankly I'm disgusted. Obviously you made a comment about having an illness on the thread to which you refer, to which I responded. Obviously [iat that time[/i, I "knew" you had mentioned having an illness, for the thirty seconds it took to consider the post. All you said, having gone back to look was:
Quote FLAT STANLEY i search frequently on matters like this being a MND sufferer '"
That's it. That is all you said.
1. When I made the recent remark, NO I DID NOT KNOW that the person I was replying to had " a terminal ailment". I had not "forgotten", I'd never had any reason at that time to remember either you or your comment in the first place. My memory's not bad, but I have over 25,000 posts and they may have generated 100K+ replies. You think I can recite them all?
Ignoring that, my remark was very clearly intended to refer to your brain's apparent inability to spark up and think about the blindingly obvious stuff people keep telling you. I know little about MND, but know enough to point out that it rarely affects the thinking function which you of course would know better than anyone on here. So what's bad about your tactic is that even as you typed your slur, you knew you were falsely accusing me, because my post couldn't therefore possibly have been a reference to MND on any view whatsoever and shame on you for suggesting it was.
And now this has been dragged into the depths I think the thread has run its course, for me anyway.
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Look at you bullting and back tracking again here's the full conversation. You just help yourself can't stop poking that stick can you.
Quote introduced into the fraternityFLAT STANLEY. Over twelve months on from this remarkable breakthrough and can anybody truthfully say they've heard anything else on the matter ? I certainly haven't becaus=#FF0000e i search frequently on matters like this being a MND sufferer.
See this is the problem, when breakthroughs like this happens it takes years to decades to become " introduced into the fraternity". I mean why aren't they throwing people who NEED this treatment on the surgeons table NOW. It's scandalous to think there's a cure out there for people with spinal ailments and diseases and yet the poor old unlucky sufferer's have got to wait forever and a day to get the treatment. It's all down to MONEY surrounded by a mile of red tape i'd presume. The NHS can't wait to shout from the roof tops regarding " A CURE " if only they'd be that enthused about getting you on that surgeons table=#BF0000 People like myself with a spinal disease haven't got decades to wait.'"
Quote introduced into the fraternityFerocious Aardvaark. Because of course they simply can't and don't "throw people on the operating table", there's a extremely lengthy and detailed process to go through before any new treatment, drug or whatever can be approved for general use. I can easily see how frustrating that is for people who need help now, but there's a reason. Perhaps the best present hope would be for people to get accepted as guinea pigs for research.
The chap concerned was on the pitch at an Arsenal match in February this year:
Quote introduced into the fraternity FLAT STANLEY I'm not being funny but don't preach to me about "lengthy process's" I could write a book on it. They really shouldn't be shouting from the roof tops and giving sufferers false hope. Its simply saying weve got a cure for your disease but unfortunately we can't give it you yet. It bloody stinks.
=#800000I know a lot more than you about"The Process's of trials. MND trials in my experience are quite scarce with a list as long as your arm in which you get catagorized to qualify in this country. I know sufferer's like myself fundraised to travel to mainland Europe America to try new treatments to FIGHT this disease because this country's NHS system is diabolical. You here people all the time with all types of illness's flying all over the world to find treatment because this country's nhs has failed them and left them with no alternative.
=#FF0000I'm not saying DR's and Nurses have failed me but "The whole System has failed my experience miserably.'"
Quote introduced into the fraternityFerocious Aardvaark Clearly you have a very personal interest and I was neither 'preaching' nor intending to argue with you, though you have no idea what I know. I do think your comment is a bit unfair on the scientists who published their research as is the norm, but it was jumped on by the media. That's not their fault, but publicizing their initial findings and success to the wider scientific/research community must surely be right?
I wouldn't blame anyone for travelling anywhere to have whatever treatment they can find for serious medical issues, but wouldn't agree without concrete evidence that objectively the NHS has "failed them". The NHS has hard choices to make and many treatments are hideously expensive. The fact has to be faced that there isn't remotely anywhere near enough money to treat everybody, for everything, immediately, with the latest drugs and treatments, on demand.
=#FF0000Anyway that said, my intention wasn't to start an argument, and I wish you good luck in your own case.'"
See you knew clearly i was a sufferer and yet more proof of your persistent stalking and tailgating of every post i write. Your obsessed you really are and your now still in denial about knowing my ailment with the evidence again heavily stacked against you. Your credibility is shattered. Go away please...
Look at you bullting and back tracking again here's the full conversation. You just help yourself can't stop poking that stick can you.
Quote introduced into the fraternityFLAT STANLEY. Over twelve months on from this remarkable breakthrough and can anybody truthfully say they've heard anything else on the matter ? I certainly haven't becaus=#FF0000e i search frequently on matters like this being a MND sufferer.
See this is the problem, when breakthroughs like this happens it takes years to decades to become " introduced into the fraternity". I mean why aren't they throwing people who NEED this treatment on the surgeons table NOW. It's scandalous to think there's a cure out there for people with spinal ailments and diseases and yet the poor old unlucky sufferer's have got to wait forever and a day to get the treatment. It's all down to MONEY surrounded by a mile of red tape i'd presume. The NHS can't wait to shout from the roof tops regarding " A CURE " if only they'd be that enthused about getting you on that surgeons table=#BF0000 People like myself with a spinal disease haven't got decades to wait.'"
Quote introduced into the fraternityFerocious Aardvaark. Because of course they simply can't and don't "throw people on the operating table", there's a extremely lengthy and detailed process to go through before any new treatment, drug or whatever can be approved for general use. I can easily see how frustrating that is for people who need help now, but there's a reason. Perhaps the best present hope would be for people to get accepted as guinea pigs for research.
The chap concerned was on the pitch at an Arsenal match in February this year:
Quote introduced into the fraternity FLAT STANLEY I'm not being funny but don't preach to me about "lengthy process's" I could write a book on it. They really shouldn't be shouting from the roof tops and giving sufferers false hope. Its simply saying weve got a cure for your disease but unfortunately we can't give it you yet. It bloody stinks.
=#800000I know a lot more than you about"The Process's of trials. MND trials in my experience are quite scarce with a list as long as your arm in which you get catagorized to qualify in this country. I know sufferer's like myself fundraised to travel to mainland Europe America to try new treatments to FIGHT this disease because this country's NHS system is diabolical. You here people all the time with all types of illness's flying all over the world to find treatment because this country's nhs has failed them and left them with no alternative.
=#FF0000I'm not saying DR's and Nurses have failed me but "The whole System has failed my experience miserably.'"
Quote introduced into the fraternityFerocious Aardvaark Clearly you have a very personal interest and I was neither 'preaching' nor intending to argue with you, though you have no idea what I know. I do think your comment is a bit unfair on the scientists who published their research as is the norm, but it was jumped on by the media. That's not their fault, but publicizing their initial findings and success to the wider scientific/research community must surely be right?
I wouldn't blame anyone for travelling anywhere to have whatever treatment they can find for serious medical issues, but wouldn't agree without concrete evidence that objectively the NHS has "failed them". The NHS has hard choices to make and many treatments are hideously expensive. The fact has to be faced that there isn't remotely anywhere near enough money to treat everybody, for everything, immediately, with the latest drugs and treatments, on demand.
=#FF0000Anyway that said, my intention wasn't to start an argument, and I wish you good luck in your own case.'"
See you knew clearly i was a sufferer and yet more proof of your persistent stalking and tailgating of every post i write. Your obsessed you really are and your now still in denial about knowing my ailment with the evidence again heavily stacked against you. Your credibility is shattered. Go away please...
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| Quote FLAT STANLEY="FLAT STANLEY"Thanks very much mods for stepping in, the CLIQUE on here is deafening'"
Patience ... You have to wait for one to be around.
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| Quote Stand-Offish="Stand-Offish"How on earth would FA know (if true) that and if he did he certainly wouldn't have been so crass and insensitive.
I think this thread should be locked now because this is NOT funny!'"
=#FF0000I concur!
It's neither funny nor about Terrorism in Paris!
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